Unlocking the Power of Late Pledges

Good news! Kickstarter recently upgraded a Late Pledge feature, bringing more value and convenience to creators.

Kelly Chen

June 3, 2024

The Kickstarter recent update of late pledge refers to allowing supporters to continue participating in fundraising activities after the crowdfunding campaign ends. This means more fundraising opportunities and wider participation for creators. Here are the benefits for creators:

Enhanced Fundraising Opportunities and Extended Support

The official late pledge upgrade provides creators with more fundraising opportunities. Allowing supporters to continue participating after the campaign ends not only attracts more supporters but also extends the fundraising period, giving more people the chance to learn about and support the project. This is particularly beneficial for creators who need additional funds to expand production or develop new products.

Continuous Exposure and Visibility

The late pledge feature can increase the project's visibility and exposure. By extending the fundraising period, projects can continue to be promoted on social media and other channels, attracting more attention and support. This helps with the project's continued development and market promotion.

How PledgeBox Helps

In terms of supporting late pledges, PledgeBox has upgraded its system to facilitate the process. Through PledgeBox, creators can easily track and manage late pledges, ensuring all backers receive timely feedback and attention.

1. Synchronization

When the Late Pledge feature is enabled on Kickstarter, PledgeBox seamlessly refreshes and imports these orders into the backend on a daily basis until the Late Pledge period concludes.

2. Better Display/Management

Rewards designated for Late Pledge will feature corresponding tags in PledgeBox, simplifying their identification. Order details will clearly display the Late Pledge label in the Source section.

When creators set up different prices for late pledge rewards, they can set it up and display on PledgeBox to distinguish the difference: Pledge amount and Late Pledge amount.

3. Easy to Send

In case of sending Surveys for Late Pledge Orders, PledgeBox automatically send survey to refreshing late Pledge orders every Monday by default. Also, the disabling of survey sending is also easy through a simple click.

Here to check the help center‘s guidance on how to manage your late pledges on PledgeBox: link