The complete guide of Kickstarter email marketing

There are 3 most important marketing channels when it comes to launching a successful Kickstarter campaign: Facebook Ads, PR coverage, and email marketing.

Tuson Ong

December 24, 2021

There are 3 most important marketing channels when it comes to launching a successful Kickstarter campaign: Facebook Ads, PR coverage, and email marketing.

Among them, email marketing has the best conversion rate and it can help you reach the funding goal in the first few hours after your Kickstarter campaign launches. 

1. Email marketing Tools

There are many email marketing software on the market. The most commonly heard is Mailchimp. Its price is quite affordable if you have less than 20k emails in the list.

If you are running on a bigger list, you can consider + amazon simple email sending service. It might have the cheapest price on the market. Alternatively if you know email sending tech in depth, you can try mailgun. 

2. Email sending timing

Usually creators started the pre-launch 4 to 6 weeks before the official Kickstarter launch. It is important to keep the email list warm and don`t let the subscribers forget who you are. It is quite common for people to forget what they subscribe to. You can prepare weekly content and keep the subscribers curious about your campaign.

After the Kickstarter campaign launches, most of the creators send an email campaign once a week with a topic to drive people to visit the Kickstarter campaign. 

It is important to remove the emails who already pledge on the campaign. Kickstarter doesn't show the backers` email, but you can use Google Analytics to get the emails who successfully pledge. 

Steps to get backers` email when your campaign is alive:
  1. Edit the link with GA UTM code in the emails sent to the potential backers. 
    Original Kickstarter link is like: https://www.kickstarter/projects/YOURCAMPAIGN. Use the GA UTm builder to add :&utm_source=[[EMAOL_TO]], so the link in your email turns into https://www.kickstarter/projects/YOURCAMPAIGN&utm_source=[[EMAOL_TO]]
  2. After you send out the email. Check the converted emails in Google Analytics: Acquisition -> Source/Medium, and you can download the list in the Google analytics.
  3. Sort out the pledged emails and remove them from your email list.

[[EMAIL_TO]] is the parameter used in Mailjet, and for different email marketing software the parameter might be different. You can check the parameter in the software and replace it with the one you are using. 

3. Don't send emails to those who unsubscribed.