Release Update:What’s New in PledgeBox 2.0?

The latest updates released in PledegBox.


February 10, 2020

We’re excited to announce that we’re bringing a new design for the creator with this update! We have made several major improvements on some key features recently. Check them out below!

Improved Kickstarter Survey Experience

Simplify the survey creation process 

  • Creators can set up the survey and send it out with less time and effort. 

Better reward and add-on review pages 

  • Creators can reward all the rewards in one place with details like backer numbers, offered products, available add-ons in one page.

Send test survey and survey 

  • Now creators can send Smoke Test and Survey after finishing the requires settings on the Checklist. 

Enhanced Download Center

  • Creators can filter backer orders with pre-defined criteria and save the search results as Segments. 
  • Creators can download shipping-friendly reports from backer orders filtering function or directly from Segments.
  • Creators can download the payment records and view all the previous download files.

Other Improvements

Support dedicated thumb photo for product variants

  • Now you can assign a photo to the variant so that backers will see the photo when they choose the variant on the survey form.

Support upgradeable variants for Product

  • There is any special variant of a product requiring additional payment, now you can define it. Backers need to pay you extra money if they decide to pick the special variant when they fill the survey form.

Support country search when creating shipping fees

  • Now you can search countries when you set up the shipping zone.

Refund payment received through Pledgebox 

  • Now you can refund within Pledgebox for the payment backers pay through Pledgebox. Note: You still need to refund through Kickstarter for backers' original pledge. 

Better Survey and Email Invitation preview