9 Email Marketing Tips to Elevate Your Indiegogo Campaign

According to statistics, email marketing yields an average return of $38 for every $1 spent.

Echy Wong

January 3, 2024

Email communication is a widely embraced method, utilized by over half of the global population. According to statistics, the effectiveness of email marketing is highlighted by a staggering average return of $38 for every $1 spent, surpassing the combined conversion rates of social media and search tactics.

Understanding the significance of email, let's delve into valuable email marketing tips to enhance the success of your Indiegogo campaign.

  1. Utilize Email Marketing Tools:

To effectively reach potential backers, use email marketing tools such as MailChimp. These platforms allow the creation of appealing campaigns, scheduling emails in advance, and integrating analytics. Additionally, tools like LeadPages can assist in setting up opt-in landing pages for your MailChimp newsletter.

  1. Deploy a Lead Magnet:

Attract subscribers by offering a lead magnet – a free item or content in exchange for their information. Examples include eBooks or digital downloads. A well-crafted lead magnet increases the likelihood of subscribers eagerly anticipating your future emails.

  1. Understand Your Audience:

Tailor your email updates to resonate with your target audience. Provide relevant and visually engaging content, avoiding extensive text blocks. Include crucial details such as the campaign deadline, project link, and offered rewards.

  1. Manage Contacts and Responsiveness:

Organize your email campaigns by efficiently managing contact lists. Be responsive to inquiries and respect unsubscribe requests. While automation is useful, injecting a human touch is crucial for building trust.

  1. Align Messages with Goals:

Craft email copy with your campaign goals in mind. Consider your recipients' knowledge about you and your project, tailoring subject lines to improve open and click-through rates. Use this opportunity to educate and captivate potential backers.

  1. Maintain a Casual Tone:

Adopt a conversational tone in your emails, steering away from technical jargon. Keep updates brief and interesting to capture your audience's attention.

  1. Adjust Email Length:

Recognize the importance of brevity, especially with frequent emails. Short paragraphs are more effective in holding attention spans. Provide links for additional information but refrain from overwhelming emails with excessive details.

  1. Personalize with Names:

Address subscribers by their names to create a more personalized connection. Anonymous emails may come across as automated, whereas personalized messages foster a sense of connection, strengthening your relationship with potential backers.

  1. Create Intriguing Subject Lines:

Avoid clickbait and misleading tactics. Clearly communicate the value of opening your email, ensuring that your subject lines are informative and aligned with your audience's interests. A well-crafted subject line enhances the likelihood of continued engagement.

One last thing, remember to utilize spell check and proofread before hitting send.