6 Tips for How to Grow Your Crowd for Kickstarter Success

Learn how to grow your crowd for Kickstarter success with these simple daily actions.

Cosma Zhang

October 16, 2023

For any triumphant Kickstarter campaign, a fundamental factor lies in amassing a congregation of individuals who possess cognizance of and a fervent curiosity regarding your endeavor. Lacking this congregation, your venture may find itself adrift, devoid of the essential spotlight and patronage it necessitates.

The question then arises: how does one cultivate such a congregation? The resolution is unequivocally not to procure it through pecuniary means. The acquisition of Facebook aficionados, Twitter adherents, or any semblance of ersatz attention merely serves to adulterate your authentic audience and fritter away your financial resources.

Establishing a bona fide congregation is an endeavor that demands temporal investment, albeit a modest one on a daily basis. It entails the execution of uncomplicated everyday rituals that foster the expansion of your audience through the art of relationship-building. These rituals take inspiration from the sagacious marketing luminary Seth Godin, as articulated in his opus "Feet on the Street." This treatise outlines an inventory of actions one can undertake daily to disseminate the narrative of their project. I ardently encourage perusal of the original work. Furthermore, consider delving into the podcast conversation I conducted with Richard Bliss on the subject of "Funding the Dream," where we adeptly applied these very actions to the context of Kickstarter creators.

Prior to embarking on the execution of these rituals, it is incumbent upon you to ensure the presence of a Facebook page, a Twitter profile, and an electronic newsletter in your arsenal. These instruments are indispensable for your endeavor in maintaining lines of communication with your audience and furnishing them with timely updates.

Here are the 6 daily actions you should do to build your crowd:

Create valuable content 

Whether it's a blog post, a video, or a podcast, create something that will teach, inspire, or entertain your audience. Don't use your content as a sales pitch. Use it as a way to share your knowledge, passion, and insights with your audience. Provide value to them by teaching them something useful or interesting related to your project or industry.

Engage with other creators. Find other creators who are doing similar or related projects and engage with them online. Leave comments on their blogs or videos, share their posts on social media, or send them an email. Don't make it about yourself or your project. Make it about them and their work. Show appreciation, curiosity, and respect. Build relationships and learn from them.

Connect people in your industry

Be a connector and introduce people who can help each other or share their interests. By connecting people in your industry, you add value to them and increase the chances that they will introduce you to others as well.

Give away free samples 

Let people experience your product for themselves by giving away free samples. It could be a promo card at a convention, a prototype sent to a reviewer, or a demo version online. Give people a taste of what you have to offer and make them want more.

Respond to feedback

Pay attention to people who mention you or your project online and respond in a friendly and respectful way. Show them that you care about their feedback and opinions, and that you're open to dialogue. Others will see that too and be more likely to mention you or link to you in the future.

Express Gratitude

Write a thank-you note to someone who has helped you, inspired you, or supported you in some way. It could be your favorite reviewer, blogger, podcaster, mentor, or friend. Just thank them sincerely and briefly explain why you're grateful.

These are the 7 daily actions you should do to build your crowd for Kickstarter success. They may seem simple, but they are very effective if you do them consistently and sincerely. Remember, building a crowd is not a one-time event. It's an ongoing process that requires your time and attention. But if you follow these actions, you will see the results in the long run.